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Help System

The help system, employed by “The mUser”software, allows the operator to view the section of the operator's manual corresponding to the screen being displayed and to access any section of either operator's or technical manual, via hypertext links, contents or search on subject.

The help system is an online presentation of the Operator's and Technical Manuals, giving access not only to instructions on using the displays, but also instructions on setting up the computer system, discussion of the algorithms, and use of the off-line programs, such as the word-processor and those used to import and export the database.

The help system, although it uses hyper-text links, is not based on HTML. Whereas the HTML rendering of the manual provides the contents at the top (which we have had to present in overview and detailed form), the help system, when wound back to the main contents, will show only the names of the major sections, then as a section is selected, any text at this level will be shown, along with the list of the sub-sections. This makes navigation of a large document somewhat easier. Also, the screen dumps are not rendered by the help system.

The help system employed by the mUser is the same as the Movement Controller's Help System, which has been described with more hyper-text references. Bear in mind that screen dumps shown there reflect the DOS version of the product.