Conveyor PLC Code Generator
This software, a part of the “Movement Controller”,
generates Allen-Bradley
PLC-5 or SLC-500 code for heavy-unit-load conveyor systems. This code can be
downloaded to a PLC-5, an SLC-500, or executed within the computer with a
remote I/O system, or without for simulation purposes. The code includes the
following features:
- Automatic and manual control of conveyor systems, including:
- Reversible drives
- Dual speed and variable speed drives
- Conveyors with multiple loads
- Transfer conveyors
- Elevators and hence multi-level conveyor systems
- Turntables, scissor lifts, alignment bars and drop rollers
- Emergency stops and forklift detection loops
- Concurrent load transfers
- Other devices as defined by the user,
- Interlocking of outputs,
- Tracking of loads - conveyors only run when necessary,
- Automatic recovery from load overruns,
- Alarming of:
- Watchdogs on load movements and device operations
- Photocells in incorrect state with filtering to prevent nuisance alarms,
- Contactor feedback,
- Motor isolators,
- Thermal overloads,
- Emergency stops,
- Forklift excessive dwelling on loop detector,
- Other alarms as defined by the user,
- Timing of transfers to allow fast tuning during commissioning,
- Field emulation for simulation purposes,
- Support for user traffic-control software - decisions as to which of two loads may run at a merge, and when to index loads to the front of multiple load conveyors,
- Provision for user-added software for control extraneous to the conveyor system,
- Full address comments are generated,
- A list of required inputs and outputs is generated, assisting the electrical design.
The steps, involved in configuring the heavy-unit-load conveyor system, are
described in the section
Defining Heavy-Unit-Load Conveyor
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