The diagram below shows the status of palletiser number 4 at
Kimberly-Clark's Facility in Millicent, South Australia, as presented on one
of the screens from the MS-DOS version of
“Movement Controller”.
This shows the palletiser finishing a 6U2 pattern, whilst commencing on an
8S1 pattern. All cartons are shown to scale and the states of all devices on
the palletiser are shown.
The palletiser control system incorporates the
“Conveyor PLC Code Generator”
software for the pallet conveyors and aspects of the
“Carton Conveyor”
system for the carton conveyors as well as presenting, on a
single full graphic screen, a scaled depiction of the palletiser showing all
remaining status and alarms and, most uniquely, the positions and orientations
of each carton, to scale.
This screen also provides for:
- Operator input for automatic control,
- Semi-automatic control,
- Full manual control,
- Product tallies.
The PLC code handles product changes on the fly, so that in installations
where the cartons are grouped into pallet loads from multiple cartoners, there
is no wasted time when switching products.
The patterns are created using operator-friendly screens, allowing the
designer to view the created patterns before the row sweep, before side
compression, before the layer sweep and after the final compression for each
layer. Refer to
“Defining Palletiser Patterns”.
For more information on palletisers, please refer to the Operator's Manual
Palletiser Status and Commands,
Enter or Modify Products for Pallets,
Enter or Modify Palletiser Alarms,
Enter or Modify Palletiser Patterns,
Enter or Modify Palletiser Product Data,
Enter or Modify the Palletisers, and
Palletiser Commands.