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15th February 2010

3 Grevillea Place

Kenthurst, N.S.W. 2156

The Right Honourable Minister for Police

Governor Macquarie Tower

Level 34

1 Farrer Place

Sydney, N.S.W. 2000

Dear Sir,

Re: Abusive, Ignorant and Belligerent Driver and Passenger

Please find, enclosed, a copy of a recent letter that I sent to Castle Hill Police.

Can you imagine the anarchy that would ensue if, at least three times a week, pedestrians, or people on public transport, or people in shopping centres, were verbally abused or threatened with grievous bodily harm, if the person behind them was held up for mere seconds. This is the case for this cyclist and friends, who regularly ride in the Hills area.

If no action is taken to keep such road rage in check, it will encourage the perpetrators to continue to get their kicks in this way, until they cause serious injury, or loss of life, to vulnerable road users.

Yours Faithfully,

Geoff Holland